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[網購退回整新品]   Anova Culinary PCB-120US-K1 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker, 800 Watts, Black
[網購退回整新品] Anova Culinary PCB-120US-K1 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker, 800 Watts, Black。影音與家電人氣店家玉山

       最近有些網友在問[網購退回整新品] Anova Culinary PCB-120US-K1 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker, 800 Watts, Black要去哪裡買最便宜呢?KITTY不吝嗇分享他的生活點點滴滴;包括網路上購買的任何東西.下面是整理過的資料;有[網購退回整新品] Anova Culinary PCB-120US-K1 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker, 800 Watts, Black與其他類似值得參考的商品清單.超多的鄉民很都說[網購退回整新品] Anova Culinary PCB-120US-K1 低溫烹調機 恆煮機 舒肥機 Precision Cooker, 800 Watts, Black 無敵好的!還有去各大拍賣網站RUTEN露天、YAHOO拍賣收集商品資料!

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The Anova Precision Cooker is the perfect device for the home chef. It's easy-to-use, lightweight, and connects to your smartphone, allowing you to cook the perfect meal with the touch of a button.
Adjustable Clamp - Anova can be adjusted to precision cook (sous vide) in any pot or tank you have.
Stainless Steel Skirt - Anova has a removable, stainless steel skirt that can be cleaned in the dishwasher.
Remote Control - Connect Anova to your phone to cook remotely.
Cooking Notifications - Receive push notifications on your smartphone when the device is preheating, brought up to temperature and when time is finished

Anova makes it super simple to cook like a pro
To use the Anova Precision Cooker, you simply attach it to a pot, put your food in a ziplock bag and set the time and temperature. The Precision Cooker circulates water around the pot, ensuring a consistent temperature throughout.

The Precision Cooker also connects to your phone, allowing you to cook amazing meals by simply touching a button. The food is amazing, tender, and moist, every time.

Get results that are impossible to achieve through any other method of cooking
Consistency: Because food is cooked and held at a precise temperature, you'll always have very consistent results.

Taste: Food cooks in its juices so flavor can't escape. This ensures that the food is moist, juicy and tender.

Waste Reduction: Traditionally cooked steak loses up to 40% of its volume due to drying out. Precision cooked steak doesn't lose any.

No More Overcooking: Cooking usually requires your constant attention. Precision cooking holds food at a precise temperature so there is no worry about overcooking.

Attach the Precision Cooker to a pot and set the time and temperature.
Put food in a ziplock bag and then you clip it to the side of the pot.
Finish the food by sear, grilling or broiling.

Technical Specifications
It’s simple, yet powerful, flexible and accurate
The Anova Precision Cooker is the perfect device for the home chef. It’s easy-to-use, lightweight, and connects to your smartphone, allowing you to cook the perfect meal with the touch of a button.

Temp Range: 77°F to 210°F ± 0.01°F / 25°C to 99°C ± 0.01°C
Pump Speed: 1 - 1.2 GPM 7-8 LPM (still optimizing)
Directional Pump: 360 Degree
Tank Capacity: 4-5 Gallons / 15-19 Liters
Timer: 99 Hours
Safety: Bi-Metal Fuse
Power Input: 110-120VAC
Heating Power: 800W

The Anova Precision Cooker makes it easy to get professional-level cooking results at home. To use the Anova Precision Cooker, you simply attach it to a pot, put your food in a seal-able bag and set the time and temperature. The Precision Cooker circulates water around the pot while ensuring a consistent temperature throughout. The Precision Cooker also connects to your phone, allowing you to cook amazing meals by simply touching a button. The food is amazing, tender, and moist every time.

Style Name:Bluetooth (800 watts)
Product Dimensions 14.8 x 2.8 x 2.8 inches
Item Weight 2.5 pounds
Shipping Weight 5.2 pounds
Manufacturer Anova Culinary
Item model number PCB-120US-K1


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